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Looking for distributors in France?
Shortcut your search process - we have already developed a collection of companies who supply products and services in the life science, biotechnology, bioprocessing, analytical, diagnostic, and medical fields!
BioChannel Partners Ltd is an award-winning B2B partnering company, focussing on matchmaking manufacturers and channel partners of scientific related products, for over 21 years.
Subscribe for access to this dataset of potential partners and select the best possible partner for you from our comprehensive collection.
Offer will expire expire in 8 weeks on 30-Apr-2025.
Company profiles of manufacturers, channel partners & service providers, based in North and South America, who supply Antibodies.
Over 1,100 company profiles of antibody suppliers across the Americas could provide businesses with deep insights into potential partners in the region. With information like supplier collaborations, it becomes easier to assess compatibility, market coverage, and strategic fit.
Offer will expire expire in 17 weeks on 30-Jun-2025.
This dataset contains company profiles of channel partners who focus on the cell biology and single-cell analysis space across Europe.
A subscription to this resource will speed up the process of finding the right channel partner. By providing curated profiles and insights, it allows companies to quickly match their needs with the expertise and geographic reach of potential partners.
Offer will expire expire in 17 weeks on 30-Jun-2025.
The BCP Partnering Portal serves as a centralized platform, streamlining the process of finding suitable business partners for manufacturers and distributors in the laboratory supply sector.
This dataset contains the company profiles of channel partners in Australia & New Zealand, including surrounding islands!
340+ distributors to choose from - select the best for your company!
Special Offer: 35% off List Price
Offer will expire expire in 17 weeks on 30-Jun-2025.
Countries/Regions: China.
Industry: Life Sciences.
Company Type: Channel Partner.
Looking for channel partners of Life Science Products in China?
With over 600 company profiles, including details about the suppliers they partner with, this dataset provides a clear view of supply chain dynamics and customer relationships in the life sciences market. The BCP Partnering Portal is a powerful platform for identifying potential partners, understanding market reach, and even spotting gaps or opportunities for growth.
Offer will expire expire in 17 weeks on 30-Jun-2025.