BCP Partnering Portal / Qlabtics LLC
Qlabtics LLC - Manufacturer based in IL , United States of America
About Qlabtics LLC
Qlabtics provides professional research facilities, scientific labs, and medical test centers with instant access to high-level data on the work of their researchers and engineers, as well full equipment reports through fast, powerful, and efficient QR codes.
Headquartered in the heart of Chicago, Illinois and serving a global community of engineering, scientific, and research focused organizations and individuals, Qlabtics is the first-of-its-kind professional report generator and work-flow analyzation tool.
With over 12-years of experience supporting the lab science and laboratory maintenance industries, QLabtics helps optimize workflow by presenting lead investigators and administrators with a clear understanding of the work being completed by their team, as well as the data being collected by their various instruments and scientific equipment. Qlabtics is steadfast in our mission to provide researchers and scientists with the data they need to push technology and unlock innovation throughout a wide assortment of industries in order to create a better, safer, and healthier world for tomorrow.
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